Thursday, January 13, 2005

Packing for Tour of Siam

Was in the midst of packing my lugguage for tomorrow's trip as well as a spring cleaning my room, when I decided to take a break! I always go into this mode when I just start gazing at my stuff and not acutally doing anything. Thus I guess might as well take this chance to fill up something here :P

Will be running off again in a while to pick up stuff from sponsors and suppliers. Most people won't know what we go through a week before the tour, let alone that we have to start planning about three to four months ahead. In fact, for this year, being a SEA Games year, we have the whole year's program planned up!

Okay people... just upload the two cars I mentioned onto Flikr the Carrera S and the Elise 111R Enjoy!



Blogger burn666 said...

Hey dude! Glad to see that you're updating again - keep it up ja? I'll try and get around to putting a plug for ya in my blog... maybe with a larger readership you'll be more persistent! ;)

Hey good luck with Thailand ja? Oh, and for some reason the links to the photos are broken...

15 January, 2005 00:07  
Blogger Angry said...

Woohoo!! Welcome back! Heheh.. Finally.. Aiya, i bet it's gonna stop again for a while since u'll be busy in thai. Good luck there anyway!!! Btw, i'm back! ;)

15 January, 2005 23:03  
Blogger burn666 said...

*koff koff* Update *koff* ;)

08 February, 2005 00:40  
Blogger Angry said...

Oooohhh...i see cobwebs... *dust dust*

14 February, 2005 02:25  

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