Wednesday, October 27, 2004

My daily life in Thailand

Promised you guys that I will tell u more when I have time about my thailand trip. I guess most of you would be interested in knowing as to what happens while I was there. So here's how my typical day look like.

0400: wake up/wash up
0430: morning call to the riders and pack the drinks/food prepared the night before.
0500: breakfast
0545: load up the luggage and check-out of hotel (we move to a new hotel/state everyday)
0600: depart for the start-line
0615: massage for the riders (done by another staff), while I pack my office (the back of the truck) that I will spend the next 3~5 hrs in
0700: Race start - I will be talking to the boys on the radio throughout the race and prepare for any mechanicals.
1100/1200: Race finish - get drinks ready for the boys for they recovery process.
1230: check-in to hotel, followed by lunch.
1330: back to room - shower, change, and get some rest if possible. Sometimes, it's almost three when I get back to the room.
1700: I am normally up by this time if I took a nap. I will be checking the charges for the radio, and prepare materials for the manager's meeting.
1800: dinner
1900: manager's meeting
2000: grocery shopping (if not done in the afternoon)
2100: team briefing for the next day's race and prepare the drinks and food for the rider's feed during the race.
2200: rider's bed time
2300: OUR bedtime (IF everything has been done!)

Ha! 2300hr is earliest that the managers get to sleep. most of the time we are still packing, preparing stuff/talking straegies or just ranting about why the F#$% are we doing it!


Blogger Angry said...

never go watch thai girl show huh? wasted.. ehehehe... ;p

18 November, 2004 03:13  

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