Saturday, August 07, 2004

Still lost...

Hmmm... slacked for two days and I guess it's time to fill in some blanks:) Come to think of it, I wasn't really slacking actually. On Thursday, I got a call from a friend who's got lobang (good deal) for some workspace rental. Thus I was out of my house for almost the whole day, away from the computer. As for yesterday.... I just slaaaaaaaaacked! or should I say, I was lost once again... totally mindless of what I want or need to do... Got out of the house and went to my favourite hangout: the bicycle shop! This is one place where topics are no bars hold! It let's me forget about things... for while, which can be good on the mind.

Hmmm.... reading through today's post... and it's sounding like a report more than anything... guess I should stop here and just go to bed... hmmm... yah I should.... cuz I am still lost....


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